Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Freedom of Choice

Never in my life have I seen America confronted with such a choice concerning President of the United States. No matter who wins in November, America has to choose what direction they are going to go in and the choice is dramatic. For a nation whose entire southern economy was built on slavery, one choice is for a black gentleman who has worked his way to the Presidential nominee of the Democratic Party. For a nation who steadfastly fought a womans right to vote and their rights to equal pay and opportunity, the alternate choice is for a woman from Alaska who could become President by ascension, only separated from office by and at least within an illness of a 72 year old Vietnam war veteran.
Whether either is truly qualified is irrelevant at this stage for the choice is markedly between one of the two. In an unashamedly polarized 2 party majority it is unlikely a third party candidate will break through the barrier of a well defined and polarized press to mount an alternative campaign that would sway voters away from their party affiliations. The gridlock between Republicans and Democrats now places America at the forefront of an historic choice. It will be interesting just which way the country chooses to go.

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