Sunday, September 7, 2008

No Vote Left Behind

So anyway, now all the promises start. $175 billion for this, $15 Billions for that, no tax increases, tax cuts for everyone, a chicken in every pot. I know that it can't happen. We are $9.5 trillion in debt and another trillion expected by next year. Who to vote for? What is making me sick, campaign after campaign is the emphasis, not on substance, but which "target states" are important. Those electoral college powerhouses that will leave the small guys outside the system. So I decided that I will vote for the candidate that promises NO VOTE LEFT BEHIND. The candidate who would promise that if they win the electoral vote, and lose the poplar vote, they will refuse to take office and acquise the election to the candidate that recieves the popular vote. Now THAT would be RADICAL change, as oppossed to the rhetoric for change that has permeated every election I have been seen.

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